Society Info

This club is a group of enthusiastic amateur photographers who meet three times monthly, on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Monday evenings, at 7.30pm to approx 10.00pm, in the basement rooms of the Howick Bridge Club (side entrance), at the rear of the Howick Recreation Centre complex, Pakuranga Road, next to the Howick Intermediate School.

We run an interesting programme of practical, competitive and workshop activities, with visits from experienced photographers to comment on and critique the pictures on show. Twice a month we conduct a tutorial evening via Zoom - one for B & C Grades and one for A Grade. These sessions consist of critiques, improvements and how to do the improvements of your own photos.

Visitors are more than welcome - we will do our best to entertain and inform, and there is even supper.  All visitors are welcome to attend up to 3 club meetings and enjoy a meeting with us.  If you are still around after three meetings we will expect a subscription!  If you are keen to join in the photo competitions, and submit your photos for assessment you will need to be a financial member. We also provide a Zoom link for those who cannot make it along to the club. Please contact the President for the link. You are welcome to attend 3 Zoom meetings before becoming a member.

If you would like to join our Society, then create a new membership "account" by clicking Join Us.  The new account routine will record your details, and when the treasurer has received your subscription, the account will be activated and you will be notified by email. 

For more information please email


The subscription is designed to cover the running expenses for our Society, such as hall hire, supper supplies, traveling expenses for judges, the purchase and maintenance of equipment etc.  Our subscription applies from 1 January to 31 December.  There are discounted rates for those joining us later in the year.  For example, if you were to join in October, a reduced subscription may apply.

Subscriptions are set at the AGM, which is held in March of each year

Our subscriptions are as follows:

Membership Categories




Adult Individual (Non-PSNZ Member):


Individual membership

Adult Individual (PSNZ Member):


Family (Non-PSNZ Members):


Family (PSNZ Members):




(under 18 years of age)

Honorary Life Members


Honorary Life Members are elected at an Annual General Meeting and have the full rights of an ordinary member but are free of all payments of all dues to the Society.

Subscriptions can be paid, preferably by internet banking to Howick Photographic Society,

ASB – Howick, 12-3040-0410083-01 (using your name as a reference).

If you choose to renew your membership by internet banking, please also send an email to our treasurer to alert them of the transaction.

Please ensure you enter your surname under the "Particulars Field", so that your payment can be identified.


For current members:   Subscriptions are due by 30 April, for the calendar year 1 January - 31 December.


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